Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Google Anaytics Widget For PHP Link Directory

Google Anaytics Widget For PHP Link Directory

Currently installing your Google anaytic tracking code on your PHP Link Directory seems editing of .tpl files. If you want to switch between templates then this is going to be a difficult task as you need to edit at least one .tpl file for each template you use.

Also have seens a lot of article in support thread stating the errors happened when editing these templates file. Now you get a quick and easy solution for this. A widget which can be installed so quickly. This will make sure you don't need to change any templates to insert your analytics code.

How to Install Anaytic Widget
  • Download file from this location Download Anaytics Widget
  • Extract this zip file and copy Anaytics folder into widget directory of your PHP Link Directory root. (The Analytics folder you have to copy will contain template folder, Analytics.php, config.xml, logo.png and screenshot.png). Some times when you extract zip file it may create a folder Analytics inside the main Analytics folder, in such case make sure you copy the Analytics Folder with the above specified contents.
  • Goto your PHP Link Directory in Admin mode and you will be able to see the Analytics widget, which you can install.
  • On its configuration enter the Analytic ID (UA-XXXXX-X) of your google analytics account.
And now you are ready to go. After installing if you browse your directory and see the source you should be able to see the google analtic code with your Analytics ID set.

Sample site which uses this widget is This site uses PHPLD 4.1.0 version.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Malayalam News Widget for Bloggers

Malayalam News Widget for Bloggers

Malayalam News widget will bring latest news in malayalam which your user can enjoy. This will give your users another good reason to visit your site. The news is obtained from different sites so it will have a variety of informations which may not be there when your user visit one news paper site. The news will be the latest and your readers will be happy to get it straight away from your blog.

View Demo @ Malayalam Songs Blog

You can Change the Width and height of the widget by setting widthNEWS and heightNEWS values.

widthNEWS = "300px";
heightNEWS = "400px";

if widthNEWS = ""; then it will grow to full available width, same as with heightNEWS.

Click on Add to Blogger Image to add this widget to blog.

Thursday, 26 August 2010

Cross browser Bookmark that works on Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Netscape

This Cross browser script can be used on any site to provide user an easy way to bookmark/add to favourite your site. Many may ask why do we need this as the user can do it directly through their browser. The answer is simple the user may not always think to add a site to favourites, but when they see this link they may add your site as a book mark. So this is just an easy way to remind the user and many new users or those who are not used to computers will find this easy.

You can also place this on your blog. Just copy and past the script and you are ready. Please do not forget to change the anchor tag below to use your site.

<script type="text/javascript">
/* Modified To support Opera */
Function bookmark(title,url){
If (window.sidebar) // firefox
    window.sidebar.addPanel(title, url, "");
Else If(window.opera && window.print){ // opera
    var elem = document.createElement('a');
Else If(document.all)// ie
    window.external.AddFavorite(url, title);

<a class="art" href="javascript:bookmark('Bookmark Easy Widget', '')"><b>Bookmark this Site</b></a>

Friday, 20 August 2010

Recent Comment Widget

Table of Content
You can now add Recent Comment widget to your blog simply by clicking Add widget button.

The user can easily navigate through the comments and this will help if you need to display your posts sorted. Recent comments helps you and others to find your posts easily and Faster. The main features of this widget is that it helps to list the content sorted in ascending/descending order, either on title or published date. This widget is completely customizable, you can change the look and feel so easily.

1. Customise Look and feel

2. Decide sorting order

3. Display all your content (No limit on the number of items)

4. Turn on/off total count display

5. Trim the title to fit the column

Changing Sort Order the table of content

Sorting of the posts in the TOC can be changed, 1 Title Ascending, 2 Title Descending, 3 Latest Post First, 4 Old Post First. Default is Title Ascending so that user can search for a post quickly. I use this to list song on my blog so its good to be sorted in Ascending order. To Change this search for SortBy in the Widget Code added to your blog and change the value assigned to it.

Hiding the display count on top
You can Decide whether the post count should be displayed on top right of the TOC. To disable it change displayCount = false; and to enable it change displayCount = true;

Increasing the number of posts shown in TOC
Currently the widget will display only 500 post title. But if you have more posts and want to display all of them then set postCount=1000; assuming the total count is less than 1000. If you have more posts then change this according to your need.

Changing Height And Width
The width and height of the widget can be changed by modifying height and width values in the widget code. Example height="400px"; sets the height to 400 pixels, if you set height=""; it will auto grow to fit the contents in the TOC. The same applied to width as well.

Change the length of each row in the TOC
To make the TOC fit into the width you like and doesn't wrap to multiple lines use numChars = 50; This means it will display the first 50 chaacter of each title in the list. If this is set to 0 it will not trim the title and long titles will get wrapped into multiple lines.

Changing Look and Feel.
If you have a basic knowledge of CSS you will be able to control the look and feel of the TOC completely so that it can match perfectly with your site. We have just 6 styles to control the entire look of the TOC. The CSS used are

td.DCC - This specified the CSS style for the Display count on the top of the TOC.

td.ORC - CSS style for the odd numbered rows in the list.

td.ERC - CSS style for the even numbered rows in the list.

a.LKC:link - The links in the comments which is actually the title is controlled by this.

a.LKC:hover - Defines the style when mouse is over the link.

div.TCC - Is used to set the border for the entire widget area, you will be able to apply any style which a <div> can have.

Table of Content Widget For Blogger

Table of Content
You can now add Table Of Content to your blog simply by clicking Add widget button.

The user can easily navigate through your posts and this will help if you need to display your posts sorted. Table of contents helps you and others to find your posts easily and Faster. The main features of this TOC is that it helps to list the content sorted in ascending/descending order, either on title or published date. This TOC is completely customizable, you can change the look and feel so easily.

1. Customise Look and feel

2. Decide sorting order

3. Display all your content (No limit on the number of items)

4. Turn on/off total count display

5. Trim the title to fit the column

Changing Sort Order the table of content

Sorting of the posts in the TOC can be changed, 1 Title Ascending, 2 Title Descending, 3 Latest Post First, 4 Old Post First. Default is Title Ascending so that user can search for a post quickly. I use this to list song on my blog so its good to be sorted in Ascending order. To Change this search for SortBy in the Widget Code added to your blog and change the value assigned to it.

Hiding the display count on top
You can Decide whether the post count should be displayed on top right of the TOC. To disable it change displayCount = false; and to enable it change displayCount = true;

Increasing the number of posts shown in TOC
Currently the widget will display only 500 post title. But if you have more posts and want to display all of them then set postCount=1000; assuming the total count is less than 1000. If you have more posts then change this according to your need.

Changing Height And Width
The width and height of the widget can be changed by modifying height and width values in the widget code. Example height="400px"; sets the height to 400 pixels, if you set height=""; it will auto grow to fit the contents in the TOC. The same applied to width as well.

Change the length of each row in the TOC
To make the TOC fit into the width you like and doesn't wrap to multiple lines use numChars = 50; This means it will display the first 50 chaacter of each title in the list. If this is set to 0 it will not trim the title and long titles will get wrapped into multiple lines.

Changing Look and Feel.
If you have a basic knowledge of CSS you will be able to control the look and feel of the TOC completely so that it can match perfectly with your site. We have just 6 styles to control the entire look of the TOC. The CSS used are

td.DC - This specified the CSS style for the Display count on the top of the TOC.

td.OR - CSS style for the odd numbered rows in the list.

td.ER - CSS style for the even numbered rows in the list.

a.LK:link - The links in the TOC which is actually the title is controlled by this.

a.LK:hover - Defines the style when mouse is over the link.

div.TC - Is used to set the border for the entire widget area, you will be able to apply any style which a <div> can have.