Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Google Anaytics Widget For PHP Link Directory

Google Anaytics Widget For PHP Link Directory

Currently installing your Google anaytic tracking code on your PHP Link Directory seems editing of .tpl files. If you want to switch between templates then this is going to be a difficult task as you need to edit at least one .tpl file for each template you use.

Also have seens a lot of article in support thread stating the errors happened when editing these templates file. Now you get a quick and easy solution for this. A widget which can be installed so quickly. This will make sure you don't need to change any templates to insert your analytics code.

How to Install Anaytic Widget
  • Download file from this location Download Anaytics Widget
  • Extract this zip file and copy Anaytics folder into widget directory of your PHP Link Directory root. (The Analytics folder you have to copy will contain template folder, Analytics.php, config.xml, logo.png and screenshot.png). Some times when you extract zip file it may create a folder Analytics inside the main Analytics folder, in such case make sure you copy the Analytics Folder with the above specified contents.
  • Goto your PHP Link Directory in Admin mode and you will be able to see the Analytics widget, which you can install.
  • On its configuration enter the Analytic ID (UA-XXXXX-X) of your google analytics account.
And now you are ready to go. After installing if you browse your directory and see the source you should be able to see the google analtic code with your Analytics ID set.

Sample site which uses this widget is This site uses PHPLD 4.1.0 version.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Malayalam News Widget for Bloggers

Malayalam News Widget for Bloggers

Malayalam News widget will bring latest news in malayalam which your user can enjoy. This will give your users another good reason to visit your site. The news is obtained from different sites so it will have a variety of informations which may not be there when your user visit one news paper site. The news will be the latest and your readers will be happy to get it straight away from your blog.

View Demo @ Malayalam Songs Blog

You can Change the Width and height of the widget by setting widthNEWS and heightNEWS values.

widthNEWS = "300px";
heightNEWS = "400px";

if widthNEWS = ""; then it will grow to full available width, same as with heightNEWS.

Click on Add to Blogger Image to add this widget to blog.